Sunday, January 30, 2011

An underwater short

This morning I was able to convince a rainbow\cutthroat trout hybrid to do a little underwater video work with me. Underwater footage was something that I was really excited about at first but it simply added another layer of effort to the situation. Gathering the pictures and video cuts into the time factor which makes the extra step for underwater video that much more difficult. In an effort to get 2011 back on track I decided to set up some auditions for underwater talent. The turn out was light but at least one wannabe superstar with a twinkle in its eye showed up to try and steal the show. This is not some of my best underwater work but the fish gets an A for effort.

Clearly my directing skills need some work. A point or two gets deducted for the tip of the pole falling into the water as well as the large rock being in the way. The pole wanted to ham it up a little I guess and jumped into the shot at the last minute. This was one of the few areas I could set the camera down and not have it swept down river. Losing the camera would have been a bit more embarrassing than dropping a pole tip in the water but only a little.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this underwater short. My Name is Matt and I’m a fishaholic.


Jeff Hatt said...

Matt, that's quickdraw catch and release! As you know I have recently entered the fray as a wannabe fishing videographer so I know how hard it is to shoot anything at all whilst fishing and still have half a mind for sport, let alone underwater shots and of a hooked fish too. Excellent work!

What camera do you use for this? I have the Olympus UTough which is waterproof by label but I've not yet dunked it to prove it.

Coloradocasters said...

@Jeff Hatt: This is a Fujifilm "finepix" WP (waterproof) camera that I use exclusively for underwater shots. No cover for the lens is my only complaint thus far.

Unknown said...

Pole in view or not, great video!

Anonymous said...

Hi Matt, I enjoyed the unique perspective of being caught and released. Nice fish and nice job.