Work didn’t shut down this time so I had to wait for the whistle to blow. Clocked out and literally ran to the truck. The roads were not as bad as last time, thank goodness. Its like people forget how to drive in snow.

On the way I pondered three factors: time of day, current water temps and redundancy. Sure I could try for bass again but the timing was off. Late in the day and lower water temps could prove for some non-bass action. Besides, who wants to see that again? Been there, done that. This time I am going for trout! Another scrap of water on my way home is Clear Creek. It just so happens that this water seems to fish better under the worst of weather conditions. Once again my mind started rolling through the factors; no kayaks, close to home…go for it!
It took me a while to find the fish and pattern. A lot of cold casting with no bites. Then I ran the 1/8oz spinner through a patch of shallow water behind a big rock and finally started to build some positive results. A nice little cutbow.

Now don’t get excited about these fish as they are not the biggest trout you will see. I just love to be out there. Blizzard conditions + small water + downtown setting adds some extra challenge. The pictures didn’t turn out very well as somehow I switched the image size setting. Right after I caught the first fish I took a quick shot of myself as the snow was letting up. (I got tired of taking my gloves off and then putting them back on…after a while I just said @#$% it and let my hands freeze a bit.)

I keep working upstream with a measly total of 3 fish (2 browns and 1 cutbow-all around 9 or 10"). I got a few hits and bumps but even with the blizzard the fish were tapping light on the spinner. This is the point where I am thinking enough is enough and its time to get out. I started wondering if my fishing addiction was getting the best of me and this trip would be more ho-hum than spectacular. I decided to push myself a little ways further.
"Just hit this spot up ahead and then bail." I said to console myself. "You gave it a good shot."
The first cast into the spot went wide left. Ice had built up pretty bad. I readjusted and cast again…WHAM! Beauty fish! My second cutbow of the day and about 14 inches.

I was stoked but really would have liked a better picture but this fish didn’t want to hang on the hook very long. One flash of the head and it was gone. I guess I should just be happy I got any shot at all. I was still messing with my camera when a jogger came by. "Want me to take your picture?"
"Naw..." I replied waving him off. In my head I was thinking, "Where were you two minutes ago?"
But that's fishing. My name is Matt and I'm a fishaholic.