Saturday, April 3, 2010

Adjusting gears-Comments, rates and tweaks going forward

(Above: This picture is a metaphor of sorts in regards to the complexity of the Internet and all things technological. (Sigh) Actually I wish those things were half as easy as this picture.)

Early in my blogging I was so glad to get any feedback at all. Even the spamming Asian p0rn ads made me happy to get attention outside the handful of family and co-workers that have shortcut my blog or the local fishing forum community that occasionally drop by. These spamo-comments of course were deleted as soon as possible, meaning whenever I got around to it. Recently my blogilicious was hit by a virus in the comments section that made me cascade a few windows but relatively harmless. Still it was enough to make me face the facts and realities that dwell in virtual blogilicious land. So approving comments is a new tweak for 2010.

Please understand that ALL your comments mean so much to me and your feedback is the only endorsement that I receive. The negative comments are just as important as the positive ones if not more so as long as they have substance. Comment approval just seems to be the best or more importantly the easiest way in regards to policing the spam.

Just for the record…

I have no qualms myself with casting dispersion amongst “so called” anglers in Colorado (and sometimes beyond). Few deserve more angst and ridicule than me just for the simple fact I pursue trout with spin gear and not a fly rod in Colorado. Positive comments are absolutely encouraged but know that I will approve anything but spam (within reason of course).

This blog was originally created for family and the few friends I have left in this world to follow my outdoor adventures. It is merely my attempt to mildly entertain and let them know that I am still alive. All I want to do is fish. Everything else is just a temporary solution or a means to an end so that I can get one more cast, one more trip or see one more water’s edge. More and more I have to remind myself that is what this blog is really about.

My must fish name is must fish and I’m a must fish fishaholic!!!

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