First on my list was the nature center area below the reservoir itself. Water was very low and the action was nil. I didn’t see anyone getting fish but I did see numerous anglers. Much lower water flow than desired and much more competition than expected. I spent quite a bit of time plinking here and there with not so much as seeing a fish let alone getting a nibble. I think these would be much better fishing conditions with more water. Wrong place, wrong time.

Pueblo Reservoir is mouth wateringly fantastic and better than I ever had ever hoped from such big water. One look and I could tell that this good water for so many species. The real trick would be beating the pressure.

The area below the spillway was locked up with anglers and still dreadfully low. I was amazed to see the number of anglers piled up on the best sections. Everything from serious fly guys to bait dunkers.

There are some ponds in this area that looked like they are worth trying when warm weather comes back to the state. Smaller ponds with heavy vegetation are some of my favorite. These particular ponds seemed to have plenty of that but also showed signs of baiting pressure and trash. Empty worm containers and whiskey bottles on the shoreline are the signs of pillage and destruction. Our waters should not suffer from this any longer.

All in all it was a good trip and just getting acquainted with new areas was an adventure in itself. Special thanks to Wyngate at Windon Hotel and their staff for accommodating the team while we explored this region. Wyngate is one of the better choices of accommodations for the price in this area. Their ratings and comments on expedia and prove that.
Wingate by Wyndham - Pueblo
4711 North Elizabeth
Eagleridge and Elizabeth
Pueblo, CO 81008 US
Phone: 719-586-9000
Matt’s note: If you live in this area and willing to share some local info, I would appreciate it greatly. Anything from fishing tips to great places to eat in this are would be helpful. If you like this blog or the website, please shoot me an e-mail or add a comment on the page. Good luck and good fishing.